Thursday, August 24, 2006

I took a day off today and I am resting. Got a Johnny Depp movie that I hadn't seen. The Libertine. Ole Johnny is great as usual but this period movie is distressing. Based on real history of King Charles and the Earl of Rochester. the Earl (Johnny) was a debaucher of the finest kind and eventually died of syphillis. The make-up job that Johnny wore at the end was awsome in its gruesomeness. Is that a real word? Or did I just screw up the spelling again? I am so tired I don't even care. Anyway the movie was interesting and the history was mostly real. I have two more days off and I am not moving unless I have to. Later....


Angi said...

I love the pajama clad Avatar! Enjoy your rest.

Carolyn said...

Yeah!! You deserve the rest. Will you be playing with fiber?

Sandy said...

watching Johnny Depp is a very fine way to spend a day off!! hope you are all rested up now!